
Címkék: napi

2012.07.24. 11:41


A legszomorúbb statisztika az országról. Népességet is beleszámolva a top5-ben vagyunk kimenekített vagyont illetően.


spanyol, olasz short tilalom: egyértelműen medve jelzés, 2008-ban nem oldott meg semmit, a feloldása után minden piac korrigált. Igazából két nagy tábor küzd, akik egyre nagyobb tétben fogadnak egy QE-re, és azok, akik szerint az eu és kína lassulása miatt esés fog jönni. Egyre szűkebb intervallumban mozog az index, ebből kitörésnél nagyobb mozgás szokott jönni.


After four months with rising home values and increasingly positive forecast data, it seems clear that the country has hit a bottom in home values,” said Zillow Chief Economist Dr. Stan Humphries.

Úgy látszik, hogy az ingatlanszektorban megvolt az alja.


Since median inflation-adjusted family income peaked in 2000 at $64,232, it has fallen roughly 6 percent. You won’t find another 12-year period with an income decline since the aftermath of the Depression. This unhappy phenomenon has two major sources. First, economic growth in this country has been relatively slow in recent years, which means the total bounty that the American economy produces, to be shared by all of its citizens, has not been growing very rapidly. Even before the financial crisis began in 2008, economic growth in the decade that started in 2001 was on pace to be slower than growth in any decade since World War II.




When assets on the Fed’s balance sheet increase, its liabilities will necessarily increase as well. Those liabilities are primarily reserves. Reserves can only be held by banks. Once reserves enter the banking system, no action on the part of the banks will decrease the aggregate amount of reserves. To see how this could become an issue for the banking system, consider if the Fed wished to buy $5 trillion in securities. This would imply that the aggregate balance sheet of the banking system would now have $5 trillion more of cash assets, namely, reserves. If the securities are purchases directly from the banks, there will be no change in bank balance sheets [though reserves will still go up]. However, securities purchased from nonbank investors will cause bank balance sheets to expand, as the funding will again be through reserves that cannot leave the banking system. Although this asset has zero-weighted risk, it will increase banks’ leverage ratios. For this reason, banks may be inclined to reduce other forms of credit.



Egy klasszikus dupla tető a francia CAC40-ben.






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