Euro Crisis

Címkék: inflation EU Germany

2012.04.15. 23:07

A problémás EU országoknak pénzre lesz szüksége, azonban a monetáris lazítás eddig főleg a németeken bukott meg. Ezzel kapcsolatban:

Yes, monetary policy may be too lose for some German liking and it may fuel asset prices in. The point though is that Germany’s competitiveness is benefitting from being part of the Euro zone. Without the Euro, German currency would be sky high and exports would be less competitive while import would be cheap and competitive. Since this mechanism is no longer happening due to the One Euro currency, the competitiveness of Germany can only be leveled by higher inflation compared to the rest of Europe. That is exactly what is happening now. German wages are rising, Cost for German export will rise and make them less competitive, giving the other European nations a better chance to compete and generate growth in their countries. Therefore, Inflation in Germany will not amplify the problem of imbalance but help to lessen it.

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