
Címkék: napi

2012.06.29. 15:24

Timeline of QE (and Twist operations):

November 25, 2008: Press Release: $100 Billion GSE direct obligations, $500 billion in MBS

December 16, 2008 FOMC Statement: Evaluating benefits of purchasing longer-term Treasury Securities

January 28, 2009: FOMC Statement: FOMC Stands Ready to expand program.

March 18, 2009: FOMC Statement: Expand MBS program to $1.25 trillion, buy up to $300 billion of longer-term Treasury securities

March 31, 2010: QE1 purchases were completed at the end of Q1 2010.

August 27, 2010: Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke hints at QE2: Analysis: Bernanke paves the way for QE2

November 3, 2010: FOMC Statement: $600 Billion QE2 announced.

June 30, 2011: QE2 purchases were completed at the end of Q2 2011.

September 21, 2011: "Operation Twist" announced. "The Committee intends to purchase, by the end of June 2012, $400 billion of Treasury securities with remaining maturities of 6 years to 30 years and to sell an equal amount of Treasury securities with remaining maturities of 3 years or less."

June 20, 2012: "Operation Twist" extended. "The Committee also decided to continue through the end of the year its program to extend the average maturity of its holdings of securities."



Commerce Department revises its number quarterly and clearly says that these are preliminary – not definitive – numbers. It turns out the NAR hasn’t double checked its math in five years.

Na ennyit a fundáról.

-In the 2000s, they overstated Existing Home Sales by 14%;

-Their Housing Affordability Index is worthless;

-They make absurd marketing claims (i.e., its always a good time to Buy or Sell a house).


Real (inflation adjusted) house prices (Source: Barclays Capital; gray area is forecast; Q1 1997 = 100)

Real house prices.png

Ez a chart azért elég jól mutatja a részvénypiac előnyét az ingatlanpiaccal szemben. A legnagyobb növekedés az íreknél volt, 97-07 között átlagosan 15% éves reál értékváltozás (USA csak 10%). 10% éves hozamot az USA részvénypiacon jó portfólióval 50 évig is lehet csinálni.


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