Én központú társadalom

Címkék: ego

2012.04.29. 00:49

My Lord, a serious, application of the first rule of propagandizing... divet and discredit.
No discussions as to the law, constitution, morals or ethics, nothing about principles, but a continued dismemberment of reality through divisive nit picking over the immaterial in order to distract from the important.
That's why we're fucked.
Nobody cares. 
Nobody (or at least not enough to matter) truly cares anymore.
The self centered egomaniacal generations. 
Attention spans have become akin to that of walnuts or earthworms, whilst the electorate's desire for information has become confused with affirmation and entertainment.
That's why we're fucked.
Nobody truly cares anymore.
That's why markets are dead.
Because we as a society have destroyed everything that matters; ethics, morals, character, and have no intention of admitting our faults and making necassary amends, setting things right.

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