
Címkék: napi

2012.06.27. 09:42

Piac: ha a bolyongáson kívűl valami pozitívumot találni akarunk, talán az lehetne, hogy az elmúlt 2 hétben a 3 legnagyobb forgalmú nap mindegyike emelkedő volt.


The data from the Fed report confirms Romney’s assertion. The poorest 20% were the only household segment that saw an increase in their real median income between 2007 and 2010, while the richest 10% saw only a modest 5% decrease in their $200,000 plus, annual incomes. Meanwhile the middle class households experienced a brutal 8% to 9% decline in real income. Transfer payments (unemployment, welfare, food stamps, SSDI) increased from 8.6% of their income in 2007 to 11.1% in 2010. Government transfer payments rose from $1.7 trillion in 2007 to $2.3 trillion today, a 35% increase in five years. I’m sure the bottom 20% are living high on the hog raking in that $13,400 per year. Think about these facts for just a moment. There are 23 million households in this country with a median annual household income of $13,400. That means half make less than that. There are 58 million households that have a median household income of $45,800, with half making less than that.

Banking system liabilities as percent of GDP.png

Production Capacity Increase.png


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